Healing through self-expression

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind “She Speaks SA” and what motivated you to start it?
I started She Speaks SA because of my own journey and experiences after being diagnosed with cancer. She Speaks SA provides a platform for women to heal through self expression, because when I was going through my own challenges there was never a platform that I could go to that focused on an “I Can” mindset, allowing you to heal through self expression. She Speaks SA is that platform.
She Speaks SA is making a significant impact. Could you share a specific success story or moment that stands out in your journey so far?
When I share my story in a small group set up and the ladies come back to me and say that my story has inspired them to push through their challenges. That is the very essence of She Speaks SA.
How does She Speaks SA empower and support women? What unique opportunities or resources does it provide to its community?
Our services are centered around supporting women to express themselves in any which way. We have an online conversation, workshops, counselling and a wellness corner that focuses on healing through art, so if you want to learn how to sing, dance, paint or even do yoga we provide that.
Running a business can be challenging. What are some of the key lessons or insights you’ve gained as an entrepreneur in this field?
You have to have the right people around you in order for you to flourish.
Looking ahead, what exciting developments or goals do you have for She Speaks SA, and how do you envision it making a difference in the lives of women in the future?
I would like us to make sure the services that we do give women are as effective as possible. We are also looking into having a conference that touches on issues that women face a daily basis and really look into the solution head on. We want to strive to be a community that acknowledges a problem but spends more time in looking at a solution.
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